Over at Easy Estimate HQ we’re thrilled to say our new website has been going from strength-to-strength since we began testing our new functionality a few months ago.

Typically the summer holidays can be a little quieter for some trades, but the feedback we’re getting from our users is that they are busier than ever, so make sure you don’t get behind with any future jobs by logging onto www.easyestimate.co.nz and getting any outstanding quotes sent onto your clients today.

If it’s been a while since you’ve logged onto Easy Estimate, here’s a little recap about what our development team have been busy working on to make our redesigned system quicker and better than ever before. Alternatively, if you haven’t ever used our system to price your jobs, what are you waiting for? It could be the most profitable £9.99 you’ve ever spent!

We’re proud to say our updated website has been redesigned with your needs in mind. The adapted time and money saving features means you can manage your jobs and clients simultaneously without any stress or hard work. As soon as you enter the www.easyestimate.co.nz website you’ll see a brand new job status summary that is designed to help you stay organised.

One of the biggest changes is our new timeline feature which enables you to track activity on every single job, as well as a handy site map. Rather helpfully you can add comments and photographs to your timeline from your mobile phone so any changes to the job can be reviewed at a later date as and when it’s needed.

Depending on the way in which you work, quotes can now be added to both PDF and word documents to help you stay on top of your paperwork. You can see an overall outstanding balance across all jobs, including a notification service to let you know when you’re due to get paid – all designed to help your cash flow when you’re waiting to get paid from jobs.

You’ll also see that the ‘Help’ menu has been improved, so if you have any questions about the Easy Estimate site you will no doubt find the answer here. If not drop us a message via the ‘Feedback’ tab and we’ll endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Any suggestions about other ways our developers can improve the site for you will be greatly appreciated as well.

We hope you enjoy using the new Easy Estimate site as much as we enjoyed creating it for you!

The Easy Estimate Team – www.easyestimate.co.nz