We are delighted to announce that we have pushed Version 2 of the easyestimate.co.nz estimating system onto our servers. This brand new version includes all of the old functionality that you loved, combined with a new easier to use interface and better compatibility for devices. There are so many new features that we will only be providing a summary here, with individual blog posts to follow that will go into greater detail of the new features.  We have also increased our development team by 300% so those new features will be getting to you much sooner!

The main highlights include:

  • Easier to use interface
  • More system help included
  • Dashboards
  • Better compatibility with Devices
  • Quicker development time (Features added much quicker)
  • New features
  • Interactive Maps
  • Massively upgrade covering letter designer and template

Finally, I would like to thank the hundreds of customers who use the system – your feedback is invaluable. Please keep it coming!

Many thanks

The easyestimate.co.nz team