We know if you have a problem or question, time is of the essence. There are multiple ways to get help, including free email support and user forums to help you along.

Email Support

We aim to keep our support free, and that’s why we use the award winning Fresh desk. This enables our support agents to log into a central system to see support tickets outstanding and the amount of time passed on them. They can access this system 24hrs a day and given our target market this is a useful thing as we know the hours that contractors can work. We have been known to respond to tickets sent in the small hours of the morning! Using this system gives us the best way of streamlining our support. For example if we are getting multiple questions with the same query, we can look at parts of the estimating software more closely, and possibly alter how it works, which make the software as user friendly as possible.


Customer Driven

Many companies forget it’s their customers that make them what they are. Traditional software companies are sometimes only interested in winning that big first sale for a system – once they have it, the incentive to keep that customer happy goes away. Given the fact we have NO minimum contracts, this motivates us to make the system as good as possible for the existing customers rather than chasing the new business. Our existing customer base is the most important sales channel to our company given the way we charge.

Service Level Agreements

The support ticket system can provide lots of information on the questions you asked and the time it took us to respond. This enables us to set very ambitious Service Level Agreements internally for our support agents to work to. We also aim to publish our target support level agreements against actual time responses every quarter to show how we are doing, as we like to be as transparent to our customers as possible.